What are modules?

Modules are the core features of Repacket, each designed to provide targeted protection and control over network traffic. Modules interact with Entities such as categories, domains, IP ranges, and applications enabling precise policy enforcement to defend against a variety of threats.

Module Types

Phishing Protection

Phishing prevention is used if a URL is not in the categorization database (meaning we don’t already know if it’s safe or malicious). When your users visit an uncategorized page, we dynamically analyze the page for phishing. We use AI to accomplish this, and analyze data such as the webpage structure to detect a phishing attempt.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Our data loss prevention (DLP) feature allows you to configure analysis type/s for specific entities. An example is PHI detection on AI prompt text & uploads.

Session Protection

Session protection allows you to enable encryption for your login/session tokens. This feature is configured per application, and does not require any user input outside of clicking each application to enable them.

Shadow IT

Shadow IT prevents your users from logging into non-organization tenants on select applications.