
The Data Loss Prevention (DLP) feature provides advanced controls to safeguard sensititive data online. Repacket recognizes sensitive data being uploaded to and blocks it.

Today, Repacket enables organizations to detect and take action on a wide variety of sensitive data types.

Personal Health Info (PHI)

Check employee uploads for any combination of PHI, and block it.

Personal Identifiable Info (PII)

Identify any level of PII in uploads, from basic information to SSNs.

Sensitive Financial Info (PCI/CFI)

Repacket can recognize cardholder information and other sensitive corporate financial info.

Everything Else

Use Repacket to protect sensitive information of any kind - trade secrets, ITAR/EAR data, CUI, and more.

How It Works

The DLP system operates by analyzing traffic based on the configured rules and applying specified actions when sensitive data is detected. Rules can be tailored to specific applications, users, and analysis types.

Creating DLP Rules


Navigate to DLP Settings

Go to the Data Loss Prevention section in your Repacket dashboard.


Create a new rule

Click the “Create new rule” button in the top right corner.


Name your rule

Give your rule a descriptive name (e.g., “Block Healthcare Upload to ChatGPT”).


Select matching rules

Select what traffic properties or categories this should apply to.


(Optional) Select specific users

Select users that this rule should or shouldn’t apply to.


Select Analysis Type

We suggest applying “Text and Uploads” for all rules to target plaintext and file-based content.


Select an action

Select Allow, Warn or Block based on your security policy.

Warn actions can be configured to show a custom template, suggesting a company-approved alternative, for instance.


Save Your Rule

Apply your changes to enforce the new DLP rule across your network.

Best Practices