Repacket’s AI-powered phishing prevention provides multi-layered protection against sophisticated phishing attacks.


Phishing Prevention is a core protection feature that combines database-driven categorization with advanced AI analysis to identify and block phishing attempts in real-time.

Known-Website Categorization

Block access to millions of known malicious sites from our continuously updated database

AI Phishing Detection

Dynamically analyze uncategorized pages to identify phishing attempts in real-time

Intelligent Custom Detection

Teach Repacket what your corporate login pages look like for enhanced protection

User-Friendly Warnings

Clear explanations when phishing is detected with exception request options

How It Works

Phishing Detection (Non AI)

We highly recommend you configure a Firewall rule to block “Phishing and Other Frauds” to block known-bad websites without relying on AI.

Our “AI Phishing Scan” is meant to be supplemental to our existing Firewall functionality and threat intelligence.

Our “Firewall” will block all known phishing websites, whereas “AI Phishing Scan” is designed to catch completely fresh phishing pages.

Phishing Detection (AI Phishing Scan)

For Uncategorized or otherwise configured traffic, Repacket can inspect the webpage deeper to deliver a page-level decision.

Repacket may look at:

  • The DOM of the page
  • Images present on the page
  • Visual render of the page
  • URL and certificate characteristics

Based on our analysis of these properties - Repacket can determine a webpage looks like a legitimate login page, but is in fact completely fake.

Handling Detection

When phishing is detected:

  1. Users see a full-screen warning with an AI-generated explanation of the threat
  2. Users can request exceptions if they believe the detection is a false positive
  3. This block will be cached and shared for other users
  4. Administrators can review and manage these exceptions

The analysis typically completes in about 2 seconds, and users aren’t blocked until analysis is complete to avoid hindering productivity. Form submissions are halted during this process.

Configuring Phishing Prevention

AI Phishing Scan can be configured through the Protections rule builder:


Navigate to Protections

Go to the Protections section in your Repacket dashboard.


Create a new rule

Click “Create new rule” and select “Phishing Prevention” as the rule type.


Define scope

Choose which categories to apply phishing protection to. By default, it runs on “Uncategorized” sites, but can be expanded to other categories.


Configure response

Select whether to Block, Warn, or Allow when phishing is detected. We recommend using “Warn” for AI-detected phishing to account for potential false positives.


Set exceptions

Optionally define exceptions for internal domains, trusted sites, or specific user groups.


Save your rule

Apply changes to enforce the phishing protection across your network.

Best Practices