Repacket can be installed and uninstalled silently using a compatible MDM.
You need administrator privileges to install Repacket. Our MDM deployment guides may offer a workaround.

Download the MacOS agent


Install the agent


Allow the proxy configuration

This step allows the Repacket agent to analyze your traffic on the device.

Click the “Allow” prompt


Approve the network extension

Repacket uses a MacOS network extension on MacOS to handle routing traffic to our agent.

Click the “Open System Settings” prompt to enable our network extension.

If you lost this menu, you can find it in System Settings > General > Login Items & Extensions.

Scroll down to “Network Extensions” and click the icon.


Enable extension

Finally, toggle our Network Extension to enabled.


Login to Repacket

When you browse to any web page, you will be asked to login to Repacket.